11  Appendix

11.1 Dealing with errors, duplicates, and omissions

Hand-written records have errors. Many people in many locations over more than 150 years wrote entries in paper ledgers as part of their normal work. Men on each voyage wrote daily entries in the ships’ logs. Spellings varied. Abbreviations were inconsistently applied. Some entries are illegible. Some are simply missing. A portion of this data was heroically transcribed into electronic records and made available freely for others to use–including in this work.

Below I summarize actions I took to make the best use of the data at hand and to minimize the chance of misleading presentation or inference. Since this is a descriptive, informal analysis and not one that could be used to make decisions, I have favored simplicity over rigor in my assumptions and techniques.

11.1.1 Voyages

Sources of log data

As noted in Section 3.4 Observations in the logbooks, Townsend transcribed only a small subset of the daily log data, resulting in under-reporting sightings and strikes.

Duplicate voyage data

The dataset includes some duplicates of voyages arising from the use of three sources (in chronological order): Townsend, Maury and Census on Marine Life (CoML). Where there are duplicates, I take CoML over the others and Maury over Townsend.

Limited detailed log data

As seen in Figure 3.4 there is log data for 1,346 of the 15,608 voyages (8.6%). Even though the detailed logs are a convenience sample (no effort has been made to select voyages randomly or in a way that is stratified by some meaningful characteristic), I assume the voyages for which detailed logs are not available are reasonably similar in nature and distribution to ones for which there is log data.

Simulated voyage day_in and/or year_in data

Simulated day_out and day_in (and in some cases year_in) data provides more than four times the number of voyages to work with (compare Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7. The simulated days use the frequencies in the complete data to weight the randomly selected simulated data.

Voyage log gaps

  • For analysis, voyages that have a gap of more than a year between observations have been dropped, since I assume the data is too poor to use. In this case the voyage could be (and perhaps should be) categorized as two separate voyages.

  • For plotting, voyages that have a gap in the logs of more than seven days have been dropped.

  • I manually viewed all tracks that passed the above filters, and identified a subset as good tracks for plotting. I excluded ones with widely misplaced points (likely a data error), or gaps that led to tracks crossing land masses when plotting the segment between the points.

11.1.2 Voyage outlier data likely to be data errors

In some cases I removed a small number of the largest data poitns that were implausably larger than the next highest values. For example, in product_per_day calculated from the Logbook table joined to the Voyages table:

Top values of product_per_day are more than 100x the median value
more than the next highest values
voyage_id voyage_name metric metric_value multiple_of_median
AV17136 Pioneer : 1880 prod_per_day 3,938 163
AV17275 Seychelle : 1853 prod_per_day 945 39
AV05614 George and Martha : 1845 prod_per_day 394 16
AV16788 Thomas Pope : 1881 prod_per_day 336 14
AV10935 Orca : 1887 prod_per_day 336 14
AV17136 Pioneer : 1880 prod_per_day 3,402 170
AV13209 Solon : 1844 prod_per_day 2,362 118
AV02737 Charles W. Morgan : 1920-1921 prod_per_day 316 16
AV06314 Helen : 1848 prod_per_day 251 13
AV04977 Florence : 1876 prod_per_day 240 12

11.1.3 Tonnage ambiguity

Vessels were modified during their working years, which could significantly change their tonnage. The voyages data set include multiple tonnages for many ships represented in the form: “218/130/145”; this example is from the bark A. R. Tucker (vessel AS0020) for which the data set includes voyages starting in 1851 and ending in 1906. Since the years of each configuration are not included, I used the largest number. Thus the plot of tonnage by decade in Section 4.2 may overstate vessels’ tonnage in their early or late years, when I assume vessels sailed in configurations with lower tonnages.

11.1.4 Masters’ total years at sea

Since most voyages lack good duration data (see Simulated voyage day_in and/or year_in data above), and since duration of voyages varied over the decades (see Figure 3.11), where there is actual or estimated voyage duration for at least one of a master’s voyage, for Figure 5.6 I used the average of all that master’s voyages for each voyage, and summed the total for each master.

11.1.5 Crew size

I assume that any vessel with less than 12 crew has an incomplete crew list, and I excluded it from the plots in Section 6.1 Number of crew.

11.1.6 Unique crew members

There is no unique identifier per person. The crewentry_id field in the crew lists is based on the crewlist_id, and the spellings and abbreviations of names were not always consistent. Thus its difficult to identify individual people who participated in multiple voyages. It is tractable problem to reduce the over-count in the 88 voyages that have two or three crew lists, since a voyage happens over a short time frame with a small set of the universe of crew members. I made an effort to remove duplicates in this case, however there are some remaining due to differences in the spellings individual first or last names. I did not spend the time to find and address these individual cases among the 164,506 crew records remaining.

11.1.7 Crew skin color

The many clerks over many years recording skin color likely did not apply consistent definitions or spellings. I consolidated 207 unique skin descriptions (including misspellings) into four categories:

Crew skin color in consolidated categories
skin n_crew
unknown 78,780
white, light, fair 43,381
negro, black, colored 38,464
other 3,881

Figure 11.1: High-level skin color categories

It’s likely my interpretation does not match the recording clerks’ interpretation in some cases. For example, in which category should I place “brown”? To illustrate the challenge, some of the logic used to classify is shown below. Note that any category with less than 3000 instances is placed in “other”.

df_crew_skin <- df_crew %>%
  mutate(skin = str_to_lower(skin),
         skin = case_when(
           str_detect(skin, "light|fair|fare|freck|white")              ~ "white, light, fair",
           str_detect(skin, "black|blk|negro|colo|african|coulered|collourd|sable|dark|lite")      
                                                                        ~ "negro, black, colored",
           skin == "b"                                                  ~ "negro, black, colored",
           str_detect(skin, "indian|swarthy|copper|tawny|brown|coffee|mixed|native")    
                                                                        ~ "mulatto, swarthy, tawny, brown",
           str_detect(skin, "tto|mullato|mulato|sepia|seppia|sambo")    ~ "mulatto, swarthy, tawny, brown",
           str_detect(skin, "olive|portuguese|portguguese|portugues|portugese")             
                                                                        ~ "olive, portuguese",
           str_detect(skin, "yellow")                                   ~ "yellow, yellowish",
           str_detect(skin, "ruddy|rudy|red")                           ~ "ruddy, red",
           is.na(skin)                                                  ~ "unknown",
           TRUE                                                         ~ skin
         skin = fct_lump_min(skin, min = 3000, other_level = "other")

11.2 Product and revenue

11.2.1 Other whale products

As noted at whalingmuseum.org (“Whales and Hunting” 2022-08-18), while the three products in our data set (sperm oil, whale oil, and baleen bone) were the most common, whaling crews did gather other products: (1) spermaceti (a liquid wax from sperm whale heads); and (2) rare but extremely valuable ambergris (a lumpy product of whale intestines). Thus the revenue estimates per voyage and the combinations of products collected are necessarily understated.

11.2.2 Accounting for product from ships that were lost

The voyages data set appears to include records for voyages in ships were lost or abandoned yet quantities of product (whale, sperm, bone) are recorded. It’s likely that as the masters took their logs with them but were not able to sell the product they collected. Thus in some cases revenue per voyage may be overstated.

11.2.3 Product per day

Some voyages appear to last only a few days, likely due to incorrect start or end dates for the voyage. The resulting product per day amounts are not credible. To partially adjust for this, I excluded voyages shorter than 7 days in Section 8.4.3 Normalized product yield.

11.2.4 Inflation

Prices for the Charles W. Morgan’s products come from Mystic Seaport Museum. As noted in Section 9.2 Charles W. Morgan I did not adjust for inflation except in Figure 9.3 Revenue for Charles W. Morgan’s product each voyage, because inflation was low during this period. This conclusion is based on estimates of CPI from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (“Consumer Price Index, 1800-” 2022-08-26):

Figure 11.2: Inflation based on estimated Consumer Price Index during the years of the Charles W. Morgan’s operation

11.3 How many gallons in a barrel of whale oil?

As noted on the Petroleum History Institute website (Pees 2004)

The petroleum barrel… contains 42 gallons. Sources used in researching the whale oil barrel ranged from 30 to 35 gallons. Like the early days of the petroleum barrel (1860’s), the whale oil barrel didn’t seem to settle exactly for a prescribed gallonage in its infancy.

Since Mystic Seaport Museum used 31.5 gallons/barrel in Statistical and Financial Results of the 37 Voyages of the ship Charles W. Morgan, I use 31.5 everywhere.

11.4 Data definition

More information about about data tables and columns can be found here:

11.5 Reproducing this analysis

The quarto (.qmd) and R (.R) scripts used to generate this analysis along with prerequisite data and image files are available at https://github.com/dmoul/american-whaling

11.6 Charles W. Morgan’s voyages

Below is more information about the tracks and whale sightings in Section 10.1 Voyages of the Charles W. Morgan. The first 13 voyages sailed from home port of New Bedford, MA to whaling grounds worldwide (1841-1887). Then, presumably because much of the sailing would be in the Pacific, the Morgan’s home port shifted to San Francisco, CA for the next 17 voyages (1887-1906). The remaining 7 voyages in the dataset were again from New Bedford, MA (1906-1921); these voyages were generally limited to the Atlantic. Note voyages with a voyage_rank greater than one indicate a replacement master.

The voyages of the Charles W. Morgan
voyage_id voyage_rank port ground year_out year_in master
AV02712 1 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1841 1845 Norton, Thomas Adams
AV02713 1 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1845 1848 Sampson, John D.
AV02714 1 New Bedford, MA S. Pacific 1849 1853 Sampson, John D.
AV02715 1 New Bedford, MA 1853 1856 Ripley, Tristram Pease
AV02716 1 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1856 1859 Fisher, Thomas N.
AV02717 1 New Bedford, MA Okhotsk, W Arctic, N Pacific 1859 1863 Hamilton, James Albert***
AV02717 2 New Bedford, MA Okhotsk, W Arctic, N Pacific 1859 1863 Smith, George**** ***
AV02717 3 New Bedford, MA Okhotsk, W Arctic, N Pacific 1859 1863 Hamilton, James Albert****
AV02720 1 New Bedford, MA Okhotsk, S Pacific, N Pacific 1863 1867 Landers, Thomas C.
AV02721 1 New Bedford, MA S Pacific 1867 1871 Athearn, George F.
AV02722 1 New Bedford, MA Indian 1871 1874 Tinkham, John Maxfield
AV02723 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1875 1878 Tinkham, John Maxfield
AV02724 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1878 1881 Ellis, Thomas L.
AV02725 1 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1881 1886 Keith, Charles Frederick
AV02725 2 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1881 1886 Lawrence, James F.**** *** ?
AV02725 3 New Bedford, MA Pacific 1881 1886 Keith**** ?
AV02727 1 New Bedford, MA N Pacific 1886 1887 Smith, George A.
AV02738 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1887 1888 Smith, George A.
AV02739 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1888 1889 Layton, John S.
AV02740 1 San Francisco, CA N Pacific 1889 1890 Layton, John S.
AV02741 1 San Francisco, CA 1890 1891 Earle, James A. M.
AV02742 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1891 1892 Earle, James A. M.
AV02743 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1892 1893 Earle, James A. M.
AV02744 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1893 1895 Earle, James A. M.
AV02745 1 San Francisco, CA N Pacific 1895 1896 Earle, James A. M.
AV02746 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1896 1897 Layton, John S.
AV02747 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1897 1898 Scullun, Thomas
AV02748 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1898 1899 Scullun, Thomas
AV02749 1 San Francisco, CA N Pacific 1899 1900 Scullun, Thomas
AV02750 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1900 1901 Earle, James A. M.
AV02751 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotck 1901 1902 Scullun, Thomas
AV02752 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1902 1903 Earle, James A. M.
AV02753 1 San Francisco, CA Japan & Ochotsk 1903 1904 Earle, James A. M.
AV02754 1 San Francisco, CA N Pacific 1904 1906 Reed, Edwin J.
AV02728 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1906 1908 Earle, James A. M.***
AV02728 2 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1906 1908 Nye, Hiram****
AV02730 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1908 1910 Gibbons, Arthur O.***
AV02730 2 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1908 1910 Roderick, Joseph**** ***
AV02730 3 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1908 1910 Church, Charles S.****
AV02733 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1911 1913 Church, Charles S.
AV02734 1 New Bedford, MA Desolation 1916 1917 Cleveland, Benjamin D.
AV02735 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1918 1919 Edwards, Joseph F.
AV02736 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1919 1920 Edwards, Joseph F.
AV02737 1 New Bedford, MA Atlantic 1920 1921 Gonsalves, John Teofilo

Figure 11.3: The voyages of the Charles W. Morgan

11.7 All good voyage tracks

Below is more information about the tracks plotted in Chapter 10 Voyage Tracks.

All 138 plotted voyages
undertaken by 109 vessels
Voyage Product Voyage stats Vessel
voyage_id voyage_name ground bone sperm oil distance_km avg_distance_day n_obs duration_days log_date_min log_date_max vessel_id tonnage_max
AV01286 Asia : 1791-1794 Brazil, Desolation, West Indies 180 21 62,301 74 856 846 1791-09-30 1794-01-23 AS0916
AV09119 Martha : 1815-1816 Brazil 32,469 100 334 323 1815-06-21 1816-05-09 AS0401 271
AV09120 Martha : 1816-1817 Brazil 1,600 35,397 112 324 314 1816-08-08 1817-06-18 AS0401 271
AV09792 Milwood : 1817-1818 S Atlantic 1,200 36,609 109 345 336 1817-08-16 1818-07-18 AS0403 254
AV09793 Milwood : 1818-1820 Patagonia 1,600 47,062 89 551 526 1818-09-03 1820-02-11 AS0403 254
AV01488 Balaena : 1818-1821 Pacific 1,500 102,021 108 992 940 1818-11-13 1821-06-10 AS0064 301
AV09795 Milwood : 1821-1822 Brazil 1,700 36,588 130 295 280 1820-06-22 1821-03-29 AS0403 254
AV00455 Alexander : 1821-1824 Pacific 2,836 123,263 123 1152 989 1821-08-18 1824-05-03 AS0005 421
AV11187 Packet : 1822-1823 carib 160 28,085 79 363 354 1822-06-28 1823-06-17 AS0527 99
AV09015 Maria Theresa : 1822-1823 South Seas 2,000 38,175 113 356 335 1822-07-05 1823-06-05 AS0411 330
AV13262 South America : 1823-1824 54 1,427 35,473 133 285 265 1823-08-22 1824-05-13 AS2405 397
AV15152 Victory : 1824-1825 9,100 160 1,580 36,461 107 342 341 1824-07-21 1825-06-27 AS0668 269
AV09574 Mercury : 1825-1827 Pacific 2,485 113,224 119 1003 948 1825-05-25 1827-12-29 AS0412 340
AV01390 Atlas : 1825-1826 Coast of Brazil 20 300 38,404 107 395 355 1825-07-26 1826-07-16 AS0926 260
AV02118 By Chance : 1826-1828 160 25,668 96 272 267 1826-10-17 1827-07-11 AS1015 107
AV07073 Industry : 1827 Atlantic, W Indies, Gulf of Mexico 170 15 1,937 27 40 71 1827-03-31 1827-06-10 AS1654 94
AV05358 Galatea : 1827-1828 S Atlantic 10,085 260 1,285 40,644 102 427 396 1827-06-06 1828-07-06 AS0262 310
AV07074 Industry : 1828 Atlantic, W Indies, Gulf of Mexico 160 20 14,228 69 212 207 1828-01-16 1828-08-10 AS1654 94
AV07075 Industry : 1828-1829 Atlantic, W Ind 150 8 11,868 54 221 218 1828-12-20 1829-07-26 AS1654 94
AV11755 Ploughboy : 1830-1834 Pacific 1,750 128,501 102 1355 1256 1830-10-16 1834-03-25 AS0542 391
AV02143 Cadmus : 1831-1834 Pacific 2,313 111,538 107 1076 1044 1831-05-23 1834-04-01 AS1019 320
AV07939 Julius Caesar : 1831-1832 S Atlantic 300 2,000 13,843 72 131 193 1831-07-01 1832-01-10 AS1737 347
AV11281 Parker : 1831-1835 Pacific 3,150 133,613 108 1278 1232 1831-10-10 1835-02-23 AS0535 406
AV09201 Mary(s) : 1832-1833 Pacific 85 45,619 163 279 280 1832-12-05 1833-09-11 AS0237 330
AV10772 Ohio II : 1833-1837 Pacific 2,615 176 152,358 120 1288 1267 1833-08-03 1837-01-21 AS0516 383
AV05689 George Howland : 1834-1838 Pacific 2,833 111,823 98 1250 1135 1834-12-05 1838-01-13 AS0236 374
AV02765 Charleston Packet : 1835-1837 S Atlantic 8,000 40 874 40,844 85 479 478 1835-11-23 1837-03-15 AS0106 184
AV01044 Annawan : 1836-1837 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, W Indies, carib 0 178 20 12,833 69 197 184 1836-12-16 1837-06-18 AS0887 158
AV02182 Caledonia : 1837-1839 250 1,650 72,153 114 645 631 1837-06-17 1839-03-10 AS1024 445
AV04243 Elizabeth : 1837-1838 Atlantic 188 6 21,705 81 274 269 1837-09-12 1838-06-08 AS0203 107
AV01014 Ann Maria : 1837-1838 No Atlantic O 110 26,607 116 230 229 1837-12-08 1838-07-25 AS0878 196
AV13218 Solon : 1838-1839 Atlantic, W Indies, Carib 440 32,922 105 322 314 1838-06-06 1839-04-16 AS0631 129
AV15502 William : 1838 No Atlantic 400 14,687 136 109 108 1838-06-26 1838-10-12 AS2625 107
AV15599 William Baker : 1838-1839 S Atlantic 180 620 38,627 136 299 282 1838-07-11 1839-04-19 AS2610 224
AV01015 Ann Maria : 1838-1839 S Atlantic 250 47,509 110 433 430 1838-08-20 1839-10-24 AS0878 196
AV07998 Juno : 1838-1839 Atlantic, W Indies, Gulf of Mexico 404 14 4,888 66 41 73 1839-03-06 1839-05-18 AS0316 123
AV04245 Elizabeth : 1839-1840 Atlantic 220 31,736 99 323 319 1839-07-23 1840-06-06 AS0203 107
AV04246 Elizabeth : 1840 Atlantic 150 11,814 95 125 124 1840-07-01 1840-11-02 AS0203 107
AV01909 Bogota : 1840-1842 N Atlantic 356 63,616 120 534 528 1840-09-11 1842-02-21 AS0065 155
AV05729 George Washington : 1841-1842 306 62,377 100 632 623 1841-03-25 1842-12-08 AS0242 242
AV08342 Leonidas : 1841-1842 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, W Indies 0 350 0 27,803 77 365 363 1841-05-04 1842-05-02 AS0396 128
AV04248 Elizabeth : 1841-1842 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, W Indies 0 260 120 30,867 88 357 352 1841-05-18 1842-05-05 AS0203 107
AV11855 Popmunett : 1842-1843 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico 350 60 4,666 117 25 40 1842-03-13 1842-04-22 AS2218 184
AV13875 Thomas Winslow : 1841-1842 Atlantic, W Indies, Gulf of Mexico 130 7 6,261 86 39 73 1842-03-25 1842-06-06 AS0661 136
AV06172 Harbinger : 1842-1844 Indian O, Pacific 6,000 300 700 114,571 141 844 809 1842-08-04 1844-10-21 AS1535 262
AV07694 John B. Dods : 1842-1843 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico 200 100 6,087 74 48 82 1843-03-22 1843-06-12 AS1710 163
AV06987 India : 1843-1845 Indian, N Pacific 30,000 3,153 100,491 143 742 700 1843-05-11 1845-04-10 AS0302 366
AV06062 Halcyon : 1843-1844 500 35,104 97 367 361 1843-08-12 1844-08-07 AS1510 311
AV04814 Fairy : 1843-1844 Atlantic, W Indies, Gulf of Mexico 0 490 0 41,339 100 425 410 1843-09-09 1844-10-23 AS1345 186
AV02476 Catherwood : 1844-1845 Atlantic 750 59,817 57 1068 523 1844-01-25 1845-07-01 AS1057 199
AV02696 Charles Phelps : 1844-1847 Pacific 16,000 50 1,750 117,870 114 1134 1024 1844-06-25 1847-04-15 AS1085 362
AV02280 Candace : 1845-1847 Pacific 44,135 100 2,100 101,361 146 710 692 1845-06-02 1847-04-25 AS1029 310
AV04726 Exchange : 1847-1849 N Atlantic, S Atlantic 468 4 83,148 114 748 729 1847-05-04 1849-05-02 AS0181 181
AV04582 Erie : 1847-1850 Pacific 43,500 266 3,200 120,048 125 1008 953 1847-09-01 1850-04-11 AS2753 451
AV09260 Mary and Susan : 1847-1850 Pacific 45,000 40 3,200 112,654 127 952 882 1847-10-23 1850-03-23 AS1875 392
AV15572 William and Eliza : 1848-1852 Pacific 1,461 23 168,463 119 1439 1408 1848-11-26 1852-10-04 AS0680 321
AV01579 Barclay : 1850-1852 S Atlantic, N Atlantic 974 87,352 123 717 710 1850-05-12 1852-04-21 AS0067 281
AV10278 Nassau : 1850-1853 35,800 170 2,612 122,088 120 1022 1019 1850-08-07 1853-05-22 AS0492 408
AV05038 Fortune : 1850-1854 W Arctic, N Pacific, Okhotsk 32,308 202 2,525 166,645 64 2660 1305 1850-10-21 1854-05-18 AS0224 292
AV11117 Pacific : 1851-1854 Pacific 46,098 360 865 141,585 119 1247 1185 1851-02-17 1854-05-17 AS0532 314
AV08412 Lewis Bruce : 1851 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico 270 3,794 108 25 35 1851-04-17 1851-05-22 AS1797 135
AV06166 Hanover : 1851 160 13,959 92 163 151 1851-05-20 1851-10-18 AS1532 114
AV12063 R. L. Barstow : 1851-1853 Atlantic 536 20 49,083 64 782 771 1851-06-30 1853-08-09 AS2252 209
AV01853 Betsey Williams : 1851-1854 Pacific 31,000 3,214 137,590 137 1060 1002 1851-07-23 1854-04-20 AS0074 400
AV05903 Good Return II : 1851-1855 Baja, Pacific 49,231 223 4,265 156,740 119 1379 1312 1851-09-02 1855-04-06 AS0218 346
AV08038 Kathleen : 1852-1855 N Atlantic, S Atlantic, carib Mona 6,000 981 1,192 74,596 73 1087 1018 1852-05-04 1855-02-16 AS0357 306
AV06167 Hanover : 1852 240 15,183 107 145 141 1852-05-22 1852-10-10 AS1532 114
AV06168 Hanover : 1853 50 6 13,142 85 156 154 1853-05-21 1853-10-22 AS1532 114
AV00826 America : 1853-1854 Atlantic O 309 61 21,286 45 480 470 1853-06-07 1854-09-20 AS0014 257
AV05193 Frank Bunchinia : 1852-1854 520 29 32,825 123 283 266 1853-08-13 1854-05-06 AS1401 206
AV01581 Barclay : 1854-1857 Atlantic & Indian, W Indies 5,350 410 1,016 105,966 94 1180 1119 1854-08-01 1857-08-24 AS0067 281
AV13348 Splendid : 1854-1858 Pacific 10,400 243 1,370 158,599 123 1315 1291 1854-11-02 1858-05-16 AS2420 392
AV00803 America : 1855-1858 Atlantic 300 576 151 62,953 101 633 625 1854-11-21 1856-08-07 AS0014 257
AV06720 Homer : 1855-1856 107 20 38,806 87 452 445 1855-08-12 1856-10-30 AS1609 140
AV12459 Rodman : 1855-1859 N Pacific 4,700 1,780 650 130,988 94 1410 1400 1855-09-11 1859-07-12 AS0563 371
AV02883 Cicero : 1856-1860 N Pacific, Okhotsk 13,500 226 1,083 154,170 112 1394 1373 1856-08-12 1860-05-16 AS0096 252
AV15261 Walter Irving : 1856-1858 Atlantic, W Indies, Cintra Bay, Gulf of Mexico 107 50 5,521 74 56 74 1857-04-03 1857-06-16 AS2574 138
AV04688 Euphrates : 1857-1861 N Pacific, Okhotsk 28,696 44 2,130 146,105 115 1281 1270 1857-10-15 1861-04-07 AS0175 365
AV15357 Washington : 1858-1859 Atlantic, W Indies, carib Mona 216 37 32,993 74 456 448 1858-05-20 1859-08-11 AS2588 145
AV10844 Oliver Crocker : 1858-1863 Pacific 23,200 393 2,599 167,507 105 1629 1587 1858-10-26 1863-03-01 AS0519 353
AV10723 Ocean Rover : 1859-1862 Atlantic and Indian 1,100 85,724 71 1240 1206 1859-05-26 1862-09-13 AS2067 313
AV06789 Hopeton : 1859-1860 Atlantic 295 7 39,294 86 461 455 1859-06-01 1860-08-29 AS1621 145
AV10563 Noble : 1859-1861 500 468 51 69,009 96 734 717 1859-09-01 1861-08-18 AS2052 273
AV12700 S. R. Soper : 1860 Gulf of Mexico 208 4,817 78 59 62 1860-04-30 1860-07-01 AS2328 130
AV12570 Roscoe : 1860-1864 Indian O 800 1,334 395 120,802 73 1696 1653 1860-05-15 1864-11-23 AS0564 362
AV12980 Scotland : 1860 239 7 19,198 100 211 191 1860-05-22 1860-11-29 AS0618 384
AV06598 Hero : 1860-1861 Pacific 3,000 80 320 21,202 161 143 131 1860-09-19 1861-01-28 AS1592 313
AV02884 Cicero : 1860-1865 W Arctic, N Pacific, Okhotsk 12,600 186 1,659 174,365 103 1703 1690 1860-10-09 1865-05-26 AS0096 252
AV06790 Hopeton : 1860-1861 Atlantic 140 10 39,574 96 413 412 1860-10-09 1861-11-25 AS1621 145
AV09747 Midas : 1861-1865 Pacific 556 3 145,602 93 1572 1567 1861-05-15 1865-08-29 AS0405 326
AV08147 Lafayette : 1861 213 21,694 114 202 189 1861-05-29 1861-12-04 AS0389 342
AV10151 Myra : 1861-1863 240 62,323 93 677 672 1861-06-14 1863-04-17 AS1989 150
AV06734 Hope : 1861-1862 90 54,143 98 558 551 1861-07-18 1863-01-20 AS2835
AV12552 Roscius : 1861-1862 Atlantic and Pacific 548 8 31,567 71 456 445 1861-10-08 1862-12-27 AS0583 301
AV05718 George W. Lewis : 1861-1862 Gulf of Mexico 119 10 4,797 104 41 46 1862-04-30 1862-06-15 AS1458 110
AV10783 Ohio : 1862-1864 2,200 229 314 70,913 88 808 801 1862-10-04 1864-12-13 AS0517 237
AV05719 George W. Lewis : 1862-1863 Gulf of Mexico 90 10 6,974 87 53 80 1863-03-23 1863-06-11 AS1458 110
AV15101 Varnum H. Hill : 1863-1865 75 185 16,112 120 143 133 1863-04-13 1863-08-24 AS2551 155
AV06037 Greyhound : 1862-1864 Atlantic 693 21,997 53 417 414 1864-08-08 1865-09-26 AS0258 249
AV06038 Greyhound : 1865-1867 Atlantic and Indian 490 160 53,612 94 575 570 1865-05-24 1866-12-15 AS0258 249
AV04143 Eliza : 1865-1869 S Pacific 4,776 1,405 696 132,402 95 1401 1392 1865-07-01 1869-04-23 AS0193 367
AV11052 Osceola III : 1865-1866 Atlantic 470 72 28,487 80 371 353 1865-09-04 1866-08-23 AS0728 181
AV11476 Petrel : 1865-1866 450 28 138 18,989 69 291 274 1865-10-22 1866-07-23 AS0552 61
AV00305 Admiral Blake : 1865-1866 Atlantic 130 981 17,316 56 314 310 1865-12-29 1866-11-04 AS0822 121
AV05786 Glacier : 1866-1867 Hudson Bay 4,000 20 200 16,256 30 547 545 1866-04-10 1867-10-07 AS0256 262
AV04694 Europa : 1866-1872 Pacific 39,293 1,556 3,100 148,749 51 2992 1454 1866-08-29 1870-08-22 AS1328 397
AV15401 Washington Freeman : 1867-1868 200 10 6,807 74 97 92 1868-06-17 1868-09-17 AS2586 96
AV15402 Washington Freeman : 1868-1870 W Africa 158 312 53,550 85 642 631 1868-11-23 1870-08-16 AS2586 96
AV15166 Vigilant : 1870-1874 1,000 1,498 1,186 145,196 104 1425 1395 1870-10-25 1874-08-20 AS0672 282
AV04702 Europa : 1871-1876 N Pacific 32,386 50 4,200 176,709 112 1589 1576 1871-12-14 1876-04-07 AS0185 380
AV00272 Adeline Gibbs : 1875-1878 Atlantic 900 1,300 86,762 90 971 968 1875-08-09 1878-04-03 AS0033 381
AV15756 William Wilson : 1876 Atlantic 100 11,765 69 178 171 1876-03-27 1876-09-14 AS0710 92
AV00775 Amelia : 1876-1877 Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, W Indies 260 17,994 85 215 211 1876-12-27 1877-07-26 AS0061 95
AV00776 Amelia : 1877-1879 Atlantic 170 69,101 114 620 607 1877-10-02 1879-06-01 AS0061 95
AV07170 Isabella : 1880-1881 Hudson Bay 4,000 230 5,838 12 476 475 1880-05-31 1881-09-18 AS0423 192
AV11352 Pedro Varela : 1881-1883 Atlantic 850 82,069 89 925 923 1881-04-05 1883-10-15 AS0557 90
AV05238 Franklin : 1883-1885 Atlantic, W Indies 785 210 33,964 25 1394 684 1883-10-09 1885-08-23 AS1406 119
AV09228 Mary and Helen II : 1884-1885 Ochotsk, Pacific 3,500 350 35,901 115 332 310 1884-12-30 1885-11-05 AS1874 508
AV07669 John and Winthrop : 1885-1888 Pacific 300 100 107,443 93 1221 1147 1885-10-27 1888-12-17 AS0355 338
AV00468 Alexander : 1886-1887 Hudson Bay 25 12,273 27 450 449 1886-07-06 1887-09-28 AS0800 136
AV03335 Coral : 1886-1887 Japan & Ochotsk 5,000 150 420 28,955 101 299 286 1886-11-06 1887-08-19 AS0109 370
AV03336 Coral : 1887-1888 Japan & Ochotsk 5,000 400 16,761 67 263 249 1888-02-11 1888-10-17 AS0109 370
AV00433 Alcyone : 1888-1889 Atlantic, wh gr 90 135 23,996 81 303 296 1888-08-15 1889-06-07 AS0798 130
AV03337 Coral : 1888-1889 N Pacific 18,000 1,200 19,176 109 193 175 1889-04-14 1889-10-06 AS0109 370
AV00435 Alcyone : 1890-1891 Atlantic, W Indies 400 30 10,955 33 332 330 1890-10-16 1891-09-11 AS0798 130
AV12541 Rosario : 1891 N Pacific 2,200 25 9,740 50 196 193 1891-03-24 1891-10-03 AS2319 149
AV02316 Canton II : 1891-1893 Atlantic 750 700 25 66,293 89 756 745 1891-05-19 1893-06-02 AS0087 280
AV00436 Alcyone : 1892 Atlantic 430 9,170 39 245 233 1892-01-23 1892-09-12 AS0798 130
AV12950 Sarah W. Hunt : 1892-1893 Atlantic 400 28,009 84 341 334 1892-10-18 1893-09-17 AS0768 110
AV11346 Pearl Nelson : 1893-1896 Atlantic 1,630 93,798 76 1256 1233 1893-05-03 1896-09-17 AS0765 123
AV12951 Sarah W. Hunt : 1893-1896 Atlantic 1,520 80,487 73 1114 1109 1893-10-17 1896-10-30 AS0768 110
AV02683 Charles H. Hodgdon : 1894-1896 Atlantic 1,015 42,713 65 667 655 1894-10-15 1896-07-31 AS0754 112
AV11347 Pearl Nelson : 1896-1899 Atlantic 1,165 105 87,918 83 1080 1051 1896-10-19 1899-09-05 AS0765 123
AV11348 Pearl Nelson : 1900-1902 Atlantic, W Indies 1,250 65,953 69 984 958 1900-01-16 1902-09-01 AS0765 123
AV01811 Bertha D. Nickerson : 1913-1915 Atlantic 1,350 25,049 43 600 294 1914-10-19 1915-08-09 AS0751 89
AV01804 Bertha : 1916 Atlantic 700 10,562 78 148 135 1916-04-29 1916-09-11 AS0440 177
AV11367 Pedro Varela : 1917 Atlantic 3,576 44 82 81 1917-05-13 1917-08-02 AS0557 90
AV02736 Charles W. Morgan : 1919-1920 Atlantic 750 33,307 123 271 270 1919-10-19 1920-07-15 AS0089 351

Figure 11.4: All tracks good for plotting