2  Federal parks in North Carolina

2.1 Federally-owned facilities in NC

Following the data, I focus here on federal facilities rather than the NC State Park system. See Appendix Section 7.1 What’s possible given this data set? These federal facilities in NC, amidst the oddities of 2020, provided 785,845 person-nights of camping and collected $3,369,447 in overnight camping fees.

For the sake of brevity, I refer to the facilities as “campgrounds” and “campsites” even though some are cabins, lodges, lookouts, and shelters.

There are 46 federal facilities in North Carolina offering reservations through recreation.gov, which I consolidated from 56 separate facility_id values (some parks identify cabins or group campgrounds with separate facility ids).

A summary table can be found in Appendix Section 7.2.1 NC facility summary

2.2 Federal agencies and their camping facilities

The following federal agencies offer overnight camping with reservations via recreation.gov:

Federal agencies offering overnight camping reservations in NC
via recreation.gov
org_name n_facilities org_abb org_url
USDA Forest Service 31 FS http://www.fs.fed.us
National Park Service 22 NPS http://www.nps.gov
US Army Corps of Engineers 3 USACE http://www.usace.army.mil

2.3 Campground locations

Campgrounds are nearly all in the mountains in the West or at coast in the East.

Figure 2.1: NC federal facilities offering overnight reservations

2.4 Campsites per campground

About half the campgrounds have at least 50 campsites:

Figure 2.2: Campsites per campground - cumulative distribution