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OpenStreetMap data is (c) OpenStreetMap Contributors.
OpenSeaMap (description) uses data from OpenStreetMap and other sources.
The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) downloaded 2024-06-22 from pointed me to where I downloaded the data on 2024-06-24.
This dataset shows the global distribution of coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. It is the most comprehensive global dataset of warm-water coral reefs to date, acting as a foundation baseline map for future, more detailed, work. This dataset was compiled from a number of sources by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the WorldFish Centre, in collaboration with WRI (World Resources Institute) and TNC (The Nature Conservancy). Data sources include the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project (IMaRS-USF and IRD 2005, IMaRS-USF 2005) and the World Atlas of Coral Reefs (Spalding et al. 2001).
UNEP-WCMC, WorldFish Centre, WRI, TNC (2021). Global distribution of warm-water coral reefs, compiled from multiple sources including the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project. Version 4.1. Includes contributions from IMaRS-USF and IRD (2005), IMaRS-USF (2005) and Spalding et al. (2001). Cambridge (UK): UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Data DOI:
IMaRS-USF (Institute for Marine Remote Sensing-University of South Florida) (2005). Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project. Unvalidated maps. These maps are unendorsed by IRD, but were further interpreted by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Cambridge (UK): UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
IMaRS-USF, IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement) (2005). Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project. Validated maps. Cambridge (UK): UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Spalding MD, Ravilious C, Green EP (2001). World Atlas of Coral Reefs. Berkeley (California, USA): The University of California Press. 436 pp.
UNEP-WCMC General Data License.
For commercial use, please contact
Metadata link points to file WCMC_008_Global_Distribution_of_Coral_Reefs.pdf
Factsheet link points to also warm-water-coral-reef-factsheet.pdf
Data source downloaded 2024-06-09.
Plots of a number of island nations:
Description for Daily 5km Regional Virtual Stations, Time Series Data, and Graphs (Updated June 8, 2020)
Data source: downloaded 2024-06-12.
Data source: downloaded 2024-06-16. See also RBF data.
Fiji Ministry of Economy. (2021). Republic of Fiji National Ocean Policy 2020-2030. Suva, Fiji: Ministry of Economy. 70 p.
Available from
A useful ready-to-read summary can be found at
RBF’s National Summary Data Page:
Data sets used in this report:
Direction of Trade by Major Trading Partner Countries downloaded 2024-08-06 from
Consumer price index yearly 1991 - 2023 downloaded 2024-08-06 from
Tourism revenue downloaded 2024-08-06 from
The RBF data download web pages include the following:
Disclaimer: Please refer to the Reserve Bank of Fiji Disclaimer available on our website:
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis offers historical CPI data at
The WHO Global Health Observatory is available at The available health indicators and data dimensions are enumerated at and
I looked at the following but for various reasons decided not to include them. I offer links here in case someone wishes to explore them.
2017 Census by Division
Dataset description: “This is a subset of Sustainable Development Goals (all) Contains available data on Pacific Sustainable Development Indicators selected by the region and endorsed by Forum Leaders in the…”. Source: SDG country package for Fiji
The data portal looks interesting, however it was too slow and/or didn’t return data in some cases.
Referenced from
Figure 6.7 uses these three-letter country codes.
diabetes_wide left_join(ISO_3166_1,
by = join_by(spatial_dim == Alpha_3)
) select(country_code = spatial_dim, Name, Official_name, region = parent_location, rank_val) |>
arrange(country_code) |>
gt() |>
tab_header(md("**ISO 3166 three-letter country codes explained**")) |>
tab_options(table.font.size = 10) |>
ISO 3166 three-letter country codes explained |
country_code | Name | Official_name | region | rank_val |
AFG | Afghanistan | Islamic Republic of Afghanistan | Eastern Mediterranean | 86 |
AGO | Angola | Republic of Angola | Africa | 176 |
ALB | Albania | Republic of Albania | Europe | 22 |
AND | Andorra | Principality of Andorra | Europe | 24 |
ARE | United Arab Emirates | — | Eastern Mediterranean | 81 |
ARG | Argentina | Argentine Republic | Americas | 66 |
ARM | Armenia | Republic of Armenia | Europe | 177 |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda | — | Americas | 188 |
AUS | Australia | — | Western Pacific | 31 |
AUT | Austria | Republic of Austria | Europe | 65 |
AZE | Azerbaijan | Republic of Azerbaijan | Europe | 79 |
BDI | Burundi | Republic of Burundi | Africa | 165 |
BEL | Belgium | Kingdom of Belgium | Europe | 20 |
BEN | Benin | Republic of Benin | Africa | 146 |
BFA | Burkina Faso | — | Africa | 155 |
BGD | Bangladesh | People's Republic of Bangladesh | South-East Asia | 77 |
BGR | Bulgaria | Republic of Bulgaria | Europe | 45 |
BHR | Bahrain | Kingdom of Bahrain | Eastern Mediterranean | 182 |
BHS | Bahamas | Commonwealth of the Bahamas | Americas | 125 |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Europe | 39 |
BLR | Belarus | Republic of Belarus | Europe | 5 |
BLZ | Belize | — | Americas | 169 |
BOL | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Plurinational State of Bolivia | Americas | 98 |
BRA | Brazil | Federative Republic of Brazil | Americas | 108 |
BRB | Barbados | — | Americas | 150 |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam | — | Western Pacific | 149 |
BTN | Bhutan | Kingdom of Bhutan | South-East Asia | 69 |
BWA | Botswana | Republic of Botswana | Africa | 105 |
CAF | Central African Republic | — | Africa | 151 |
CAN | Canada | — | Americas | 50 |
CHE | Switzerland | Swiss Confederation | Europe | 29 |
CHL | Chile | Republic of Chile | Americas | 73 |
CHN | China | People's Republic of China | Western Pacific | 34 |
CIV | Côte d'Ivoire | Republic of Côte d'Ivoire | Africa | 155 |
CMR | Cameroon | Republic of Cameroon | Africa | 144 |
COD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the | — | Africa | 163 |
COG | Congo | Republic of the Congo | Africa | 123 |
COK | Cook Islands | — | Western Pacific | 105 |
COL | Colombia | Republic of Colombia | Americas | 92 |
COM | Comoros | Union of the Comoros | Africa | 176 |
CPV | Cabo Verde | Republic of Cabo Verde | Africa | 158 |
CRI | Costa Rica | Republic of Costa Rica | Americas | 90 |
CUB | Cuba | Republic of Cuba | Americas | 41 |
CYP | Cyprus | Republic of Cyprus | Europe | 3 |
CZE | Czechia | Czech Republic | Europe | 18 |
DEU | Germany | Federal Republic of Germany | Europe | 43 |
DJI | Djibouti | Republic of Djibouti | Eastern Mediterranean | 60 |
DMA | Dominica | Commonwealth of Dominica | Americas | 141 |
DNK | Denmark | Kingdom of Denmark | Europe | 47 |
DOM | Dominican Republic | — | Americas | 158 |
DZA | Algeria | People's Democratic Republic of Algeria | Africa | 100 |
ECU | Ecuador | Republic of Ecuador | Americas | 114 |
EGY | Egypt | Arab Republic of Egypt | Eastern Mediterranean | 64 |
ERI | Eritrea | the State of Eritrea | Africa | 115 |
ESP | Spain | Kingdom of Spain | Europe | 32 |
EST | Estonia | Republic of Estonia | Europe | 40 |
ETH | Ethiopia | Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | Africa | 143 |
FIN | Finland | Republic of Finland | Europe | 12 |
FJI | Fiji | Republic of Fiji | Western Pacific | 112 |
FRA | France | French Republic | Europe | 26 |
FSM | Micronesia, Federated States of | Federated States of Micronesia | Western Pacific | 120 |
GAB | Gabon | Gabonese Republic | Africa | 116 |
GBR | United Kingdom | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Europe | 11 |
GEO | Georgia | — | Europe | 27 |
GHA | Ghana | Republic of Ghana | Africa | 71 |
GIN | Guinea | Republic of Guinea | Africa | 147 |
GMB | Gambia | Republic of the Gambia | Africa | 134 |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau | Republic of Guinea-Bissau | Africa | 159 |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea | Republic of Equatorial Guinea | Africa | 164 |
GRC | Greece | Hellenic Republic | Europe | 8 |
GRD | Grenada | — | Americas | 180 |
GTM | Guatemala | Republic of Guatemala | Americas | 122 |
GUY | Guyana | Republic of Guyana | Americas | 189 |
HND | Honduras | Republic of Honduras | Americas | 173 |
HRV | Croatia | Republic of Croatia | Europe | 36 |
HTI | Haiti | Republic of Haiti | Americas | 174 |
HUN | Hungary | Hungary | Europe | 43 |
IDN | Indonesia | Republic of Indonesia | South-East Asia | 96 |
IND | India | Republic of India | South-East Asia | 71 |
IRL | Ireland | — | Europe | 21 |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Islamic Republic of Iran | Eastern Mediterranean | 55 |
IRQ | Iraq | Republic of Iraq | Eastern Mediterranean | 62 |
ISL | Iceland | Republic of Iceland | Europe | 6 |
ISR | Israel | State of Israel | Europe | 94 |
ITA | Italy | Italian Republic | Europe | 38 |
JAM | Jamaica | — | Americas | 101 |
JOR | Jordan | Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan | Eastern Mediterranean | 88 |
JPN | Japan | — | Western Pacific | 7 |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | Republic of Kazakhstan | Europe | 33 |
KEN | Kenya | Republic of Kenya | Africa | 122 |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz Republic | Europe | 38 |
KHM | Cambodia | Kingdom of Cambodia | Western Pacific | 126 |
KIR | Kiribati | Republic of Kiribati | Western Pacific | 186 |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis | — | Americas | 83 |
KOR | Korea, Republic of | — | Western Pacific | 93 |
KWT | Kuwait | State of Kuwait | Eastern Mediterranean | 113 |
LAO | Lao People's Democratic Republic | — | Western Pacific | 73 |
LBN | Lebanon | Lebanese Republic | Eastern Mediterranean | 53 |
LBR | Liberia | Republic of Liberia | Africa | 162 |
LBY | Libya | Libya | Eastern Mediterranean | 52 |
LCA | Saint Lucia | — | Americas | 187 |
LKA | Sri Lanka | Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | South-East Asia | 106 |
LSO | Lesotho | Kingdom of Lesotho | Africa | 103 |
LTU | Lithuania | Republic of Lithuania | Europe | 11 |
LUX | Luxembourg | Grand Duchy of Luxembourg | Europe | 16 |
LVA | Latvia | Republic of Latvia | Europe | 13 |
MAR | Morocco | Kingdom of Morocco | Eastern Mediterranean | 50 |
MCO | Monaco | Principality of Monaco | Europe | 15 |
MDA | Moldova, Republic of | Republic of Moldova | Europe | 20 |
MDG | Madagascar | Republic of Madagascar | Africa | 130 |
MDV | Maldives | Republic of Maldives | South-East Asia | 172 |
MEX | Mexico | United Mexican States | Americas | 179 |
MHL | Marshall Islands | Republic of the Marshall Islands | Western Pacific | 168 |
MKD | North Macedonia | Republic of North Macedonia | Europe | 80 |
MLI | Mali | Republic of Mali | Africa | 166 |
MLT | Malta | Republic of Malta | Europe | 51 |
MMR | Myanmar | Republic of Myanmar | South-East Asia | 84 |
MNG | Mongolia | — | Western Pacific | 2 |
MOZ | Mozambique | Republic of Mozambique | Africa | 131 |
MRT | Mauritania | Islamic Republic of Mauritania | Africa | 133 |
MUS | Mauritius | Republic of Mauritius | Africa | 128 |
MWI | Malawi | Republic of Malawi | Africa | 136 |
MYS | Malaysia | — | Western Pacific | 99 |
NAM | Namibia | Republic of Namibia | Africa | 95 |
NER | Niger | Republic of the Niger | Africa | 167 |
NGA | Nigeria | Federal Republic of Nigeria | Africa | 153 |
NIC | Nicaragua | Republic of Nicaragua | Americas | 179 |
NIU | Niue | Niue | Western Pacific | 108 |
NLD | Netherlands | Kingdom of the Netherlands | Europe | 44 |
NOR | Norway | Kingdom of Norway | Europe | 17 |
NPL | Nepal | Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal | South-East Asia | 91 |
NRU | Nauru | Republic of Nauru | Western Pacific | 183 |
NZL | New Zealand | — | Western Pacific | 46 |
OMN | Oman | Sultanate of Oman | Eastern Mediterranean | 160 |
PAK | Pakistan | Islamic Republic of Pakistan | Eastern Mediterranean | 69 |
PAN | Panama | Republic of Panama | Americas | 102 |
PER | Peru | Republic of Peru | Americas | 69 |
PHL | Philippines | Republic of the Philippines | Western Pacific | 87 |
PLW | Palau | Republic of Palau | Western Pacific | 143 |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | Independent State of Papua New Guinea | Western Pacific | 90 |
POL | Poland | Republic of Poland | Europe | 26 |
PRK | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | South-East Asia | 86 |
PRT | Portugal | Portuguese Republic | Europe | 74 |
PRY | Paraguay | Republic of Paraguay | Americas | 182 |
QAT | Qatar | State of Qatar | Eastern Mediterranean | 184 |
ROU | Romania | — | Europe | 14 |
RUS | Russian Federation | — | Europe | 11 |
RWA | Rwanda | Rwandese Republic | Africa | 152 |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Eastern Mediterranean | 162 |
SDN | Sudan | Republic of the Sudan | Eastern Mediterranean | 109 |
SEN | Senegal | Republic of Senegal | Africa | 141 |
SGP | Singapore | Republic of Singapore | Western Pacific | 31 |
SLB | Solomon Islands | — | Western Pacific | 119 |
SLE | Sierra Leone | Republic of Sierra Leone | Africa | 171 |
SLV | El Salvador | Republic of El Salvador | Americas | 97 |
SMR | San Marino | Republic of San Marino | Europe | 1 |
SOM | Somalia | Federal Republic of Somalia | Eastern Mediterranean | 124 |
STP | Sao Tome and Principe | Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe | Africa | 137 |
SUR | Suriname | Republic of Suriname | Americas | 129 |
SVK | Slovakia | Slovak Republic | Europe | 29 |
SVN | Slovenia | Republic of Slovenia | Europe | 56 |
SWE | Sweden | Kingdom of Sweden | Europe | 23 |
SWZ | Eswatini | Kingdom of Eswatini | Africa | 117 |
SYC | Seychelles | Republic of Seychelles | Africa | 82 |
SYR | Syrian Arab Republic | — | Eastern Mediterranean | 61 |
TCD | Chad | Republic of Chad | Africa | 158 |
TGO | Togo | Togolese Republic | Africa | 141 |
THA | Thailand | Kingdom of Thailand | South-East Asia | 111 |
TJK | Tajikistan | Republic of Tajikistan | Europe | 59 |
TKM | Turkmenistan | — | Europe | 57 |
TLS | Timor-Leste | Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste | South-East Asia | 78 |
TON | Tonga | Kingdom of Tonga | Western Pacific | 118 |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago | Republic of Trinidad and Tobago | Americas | 191 |
TUN | Tunisia | Republic of Tunisia | Eastern Mediterranean | 35 |
TUR | Türkiye | Republic of Türkiye | Europe | 59 |
TUV | Tuvalu | — | Western Pacific | 170 |
TZA | Tanzania, United Republic of | United Republic of Tanzania | Africa | 148 |
UGA | Uganda | Republic of Uganda | Africa | 132 |
UKR | Ukraine | — | Europe | 4 |
URY | Uruguay | Eastern Republic of Uruguay | Americas | 48 |
USA | United States | United States of America | Americas | 54 |
UZB | Uzbekistan | Republic of Uzbekistan | Europe | 76 |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | — | Americas | 190 |
VEN | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | Americas | 110 |
VNM | Viet Nam | Socialist Republic of Viet Nam | Western Pacific | 75 |
VUT | Vanuatu | Republic of Vanuatu | Western Pacific | 128 |
WSM | Samoa | Independent State of Samoa | Western Pacific | 135 |
YEM | Yemen | Republic of Yemen | Eastern Mediterranean | 63 |
ZAF | South Africa | Republic of South Africa | Africa | 185 |
ZMB | Zambia | Republic of Zambia | Africa | 145 |
ZWE | Zimbabwe | Republic of Zimbabwe | Africa | 138 |